Saturday, December 14, 2013

Management Functions - The role of a Human Resource Manager at Qantas

Qantas states on their website that: "Qantas works hard to identify talented people and helps them realise their potential."

Human resource management is all about looking after the people who direct and combine resources to produce goods and services for an organisation. People in an organisation are often referred to as human resources. Human resources are a vital asset.

An HR manager at Qantas would be tasked with coordinating all the activities involved, from acquiring to terminating employees at the organisation. Their role would be to effectively manage the relationship between the employer and employees of Qantas.

HR management begins with the establishment phase, in which an HR manager is required to help get people to work for the organisation. Once Qantas has selected the right people, they have to be inducted, trained and developed into highly skilled professionals. This middle stage is called the maintenance stage. Finally, there will come a time when Qantas employees will separate from the business, either voluntarily or involuntarily. This final stage is known as termination.

Qantas is successful in achieving its objectives by balancing the need for profitability (and satisfying shareholders) with a regard for the wellbeing of its employees. Qantas HR management's focus on positive work and employment relationships should lead to a motivated staff, increased productivity and, consequently, the achievement of organisational objectives.

At Qantas and other LSOs, a human resource manager establishes HR objectives and a process for how those goals will be achieved. They ensure that the right employees are matched with the right tasks. HR managers motivate and inspire staff to achieve organisational objectives. An HR manager at Qantas or another LSO will also establish measures to monitor employee performance.

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